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PS: The English translation is not 100% correct (specially the grammars), but I hope you can understand what I mean, in the materials.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kata Bantu / Postpositions / 助詞

Di dalam sebuah kalimat, fungsi gramatikal dari kata-kata tergantung dari kata bantunya.

철수가 공을 쳤어요 (Cheolsu memukul bola itu)
공이 철수를 쳤어요(Bola itu memukul Cheolsu)

Kata bantu `가/이' muncul setelah kata benda, kata ganti, dan angka untuk membentuk subjek.

Kata bantu `을/를' muncul setelah kata benda, kata ganti, dan angka untuk membentuk objek.
Kata bantu lainnya terdiri dari `에' yg berarti "arah" atau "tujuan", `에서' yg berarti "lokasi", dan `로/으로' yg berarti "cara" atau sebuah "alat".

서울에 가요. (Saya pergi ke Seoul)
학교에서 공부해요. (Saya belajar di sekolah)
택시로 가요. (Saya pergi dengan taxi)

Informasi lebih lanjut:
untuk kata benda 이/가,
jika kata bendanya memiliki kata yang berakhiran dengan konsonan
maka akan dipasangkan dengan –이,
cth: 얼굴(wajah) = 얼글 + -이 = 얼굴이 (eol gul ri)
별(bintang) = 별 + -이 = 별이 (byeol ri)

Pada kata di atas berakhiran konsonan ㄱ jadi harus menggunakan 이
cth: 한국 + -이 = 한국이 (hangug-i)

Kalo yang ini karena berakhiran vokal harus dipasangkan
dengan -가.
엄마(ibu) = 엄마 + -가 = 엄마가 (eom ma ga)
아빠(ayah)= 아빠 + -가 = 아빠가 (appaga)
누나 (kakak cewe) = 누나 + -가 = 누나가 (nuna-ga) 

Sama seperti -이/가, -은/는 juga merupakan penanda subjek,
sebagai penanda topik dari suatu kalimat.
Jika kata bendanya berakhiran dengan konsonan maka dipasangkan dengan -은,
tapi jika berakhiran vokal dipasangkan dengan -는.
민호 = 민호 + -는 = 민호는(minho neun)
사랑 = 사랑 + 은 = 사랑은 (sarang eun)  

Kata benda yg berakhiran dengan konsonan maka harus memakai -을,
kalo berakhiran vocal harus memakai –를.
Sama seperti –이/가 dan –은/는 tulisnya disambung dengan kata benda.
Tidak boleh dipisahkan dengan spasi
입술(bibir) = 입술 + 를 = 입술를 (ib sul reul)
빛(sinar) = 빛 + -을 = 빛을 (bi cheul)
Partikel objek dan subjek itu bisa hilang dalam penggunaannya, misal dalam percakapan. 

In a sentence, the grammatical function of words depend on postpositions.

철수가 공을 쳤어요 (Cheolsu hit the ball)
공이 철수를 쳤어요(The ball hit Cheolsu)

Postpositions `가/이' come after nouns, pronouns, and numerals to make the subject form.

Proposition`을/를' come after nouns, pronouns, and numerals to make the object form. Other postpositions consist of `에' which signifies `direction' or `destination,'
`에서' which signifies `location,' and `로/으로' which signifies `the means' or a `tool.'

서울에 가요. (I'm going to Seoul.)
학교에서 공부해요. (I study at school.)
택시로 가요. (I'm going by taxi.)

Further Information:
The difference usage between Subjective & Objective Particles, actually same as when we use "A" & "AN" Phrases in English.
For example:
1.) A Cake
2.) An Ice Cream
Ex no.1 use "A" because the word "Cake" begins with consonant C
Ex no.2 use "AN" because the word "Ice Cream" begins with vowel I
In general A is used when the following word begins with a consonant and AN is used when the following word begins with a vowel (vowel sound to be exact).

Similar things happen in Korean but in many many cases. For example, the particle 이 and 가 have exactly the same gramatical function BUT 이 is used when the preceding noun ends with a consonanant whereas 가 is used when the preceding noun ends with a vowel.

For example:
3.) 눈이 와요 (Snow is coming down) - 눈 ends with "ㄴ" which is a consonant, hence the particle "이" is used.
4.) 비가 와요 (Rain is coming down) - 비 ends with "ㅣ" which is a vowel, hence the particle "가" is used.

Another Examples:
Entity after
examples / comments
은/는 는 은 코끼리는 동물이에요.
수박은 과일이에요. 
은/는  바다가 너무 좋아요.
하늘이 너무 맑아요.
을/를   를  을 전 포도를 정말 사랑해요.
사라는 게임을 잘 해요.
이에요/예요   예요      이에요 이거 얼마예요?
전 학생이에요.

Another Information
For Subjective Particle:
For nouns 이 / 가
If the noun is a word that ends in a consonant, it will be paired with - 이,
얼굴(face) = 얼글 + -이 = 얼굴이 (eol gul ri)
별(star) = 별 + -이 = 별이 (byeol ri)

If the noun is a word that ends with consonant ㄱ, must be used with -이
한국 + -이 = 한국이 (hangug-i)

If the noun is a word that ends in a vocal, it will be paired with - 가,
엄마(mom) = 엄마 + -가 = 엄마가 (eom ma ga)
아빠(dad)= 아빠 + -가 = 아빠가 (appaga)
누나 (elder sister) = 누나 + -가 = 누나가 (nuna-ga)

Just like - 이 / 가, - 은 / 는 also a subject marker, as a marker of the topic of a sentence.
If the noun is a word that ends with a consonant, it will be paired with -은,
but if the noun is a word that ends with a vocal, it will be paired with -는.
민호 = 민호 + -는 = 민호는(minho neun)
사랑 = 사랑 + 은 = 사랑은 (sarang eun)

For Objective Particle:
If the noun is a word that ends in a consonant, must be used with - 을,
if ends in a vocal, must be used with –를.
Just like - 이 / 가 and - 은 / 는 it wrote connected with a noun.
Shouldn't be seperate with space.
입술(lips) = 입술 + 를 = 입술를 (ib sul reul)
빛(light) = 빛 + -을 = 빛을 (bi cheul)
Subjectives & Objectives Particle can be lost in its use, just like in a conversation.



철수가 공을 쳤어요.(哲洙打球.)
공이 철수를 쳤어요.(球打哲洙.)

'에' '에서' 位於名詞的後面。但這一名詞應該是指方向或目的地的名詞。
'에' '에서' 相當於現代漢語裡的'到'或'在'。

서울에가요. (到漢城去.)
학교에서공부해요. (在學校唸書。)
택시로 가요. (坐出租汽車去。)

Source: KBS World Radio

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